Equine Management Extended Diploma Level 3 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

This course covers a range of topics which are supported by visits and guest speakers from the industry. Over the two years you study a range of practical and classroom-based units as well as non-riding pathways.

Units may include:

  • Principles of health and safety
  • Working in the equine industry
  • Competition grooming
  • Horse biology and health
  • Business management
  • Equine feeding and nutrition
  • Stable and yard management
  • Riding on the flat and over fences
  • Horse behaviour, welfare and stud practices
  • Horse fitness and training
  • Horse rehabilitation and therapy
  • Horse tack and equipment
  • Prepare horses for presentation
  • Working horses from the ground
  • Equestrian coaching
  • Event management

In your first year you will also complete 150 hours work experience within an equine-based setting, and another 150 hours in your second year.

Assessment Methods

You will be assessed through a variety of methods including externally set and marked tests, assignments, portfolio development, practical/riding assessments and presentations.

Progression Options

On successful completion of the course, you could progress to a Foundation Degree or BSc (Hons) in Equine Science/Management. Alternatively, you could find employment at a supervisory level in riding schools, competition, livery and racing yards or complete British Horse Society stages.

Course Summary

Course Title Equine Management Extended Diploma Level 3
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 4 range including maths, English and science, or an appropriate Level 2 qualification at Distinction grade. Entry will also be subject to a successful interview and riding assessment. You need to be competent riding on the flat and over small fences.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


My course is made up of classroom-based lessons and practical sessions on the yard. This really helps to bring the theory we learn to life, and makes lessons varied and interesting.

Caitlin Lowe

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